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Forum Guidelines

Our goal is to share, help and support each other in WIN/WIN condition. Therefore, any breaking of the rules is grounds for bans or removal from the forums.

Overall Community Guidelines:
1. Be respectful; any instance of threatening or harassing behavior is grounds for removal from the forums.

2. Choose the appropriate section for your topics; If you need support, please create a new topic in the appropriate forum, so that the entire community can collaborate and benefit each other.

3. Topics should remain about Helbreath. In the same fashion, be clear and concise in your posts; the topics should accurately reflect the content of the thread, and the responses should remain on the subject.

3. Don't waste bandwidth. All images and signatures must be 640 x 800 pixels or smaller. Posts containing over-sized images and signatures will be removed.

4. No profanity or pornography. Posts containing exclusively adult (18+ only) material will be deleted.