case 67://'C' shortcut para criticals if (m_bCtrlPressed && m_cGameMode == DEF_GAMEMODE_ONMAINGAME && (!m_bInputStatus) ) { bSendCommand(DEF_REQUEST_CRITICALSADD, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,0, NULL, 0); } break;
en NetMessages.h agregamos:
//ShortCut para criticals #define DEF_REQUEST_CRITICALSADD 0x0FC94216
ahora vamos a HGSources y buscamos:
case DEF_REQUEST_RESURRECTPLAYER_NO: RequestResurrectPlayer(iClientH, FALSE); break;
Abajo agregamos:
case DEF_REQUEST_CRITICALSADD: PlayerOrder_GetCrits(iClientH); break;
Nota: Asegúrense de tener la función de tu comando de critical igual a esta sino remplazarla por el nombre que tengas.
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#2Subject: Re: [CODE] ShorCut para el comando de Critical 6/11/2016, 4:06 pm
amigo quisiera saber como agregar drop i quitar drop el %Del drop rare item de los NPC como poner items i sacar item porfavor me sirviria mucho ese Tutorial ah i respecto a este comando de critical me sale los siguiente errores : C:\Users\Windows 7\Desktop\Helbreath Server\HG Src\Game.cpp(12029) : error C2065: 'DEF_REQUEST_CRITICALSADD' : undeclared identifier C:\Users\Windows 7\Desktop\Helbreath Server\HG Src\Game.cpp(12029) : error C2051: case expression not constant C:\Users\Windows 7\Desktop\Helbreath Server\HG Src\Game.cpp(12030) : error C2065: 'PlayerOrder_GetCrits' : undeclared identifier Error executing cl.exe.
HGserver.exe - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)
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#3Subject: Re: [CODE] ShorCut para el comando de Critical 6/12/2016, 8:58 am
Because you did not declare all of the function inside HGServer. KenzoB did not finish up the code, or he did not paste all other people's code.
FYI KenzoB can not code. Anyway this is the fix you need chogattt64.
Go into NetMessages.h Add
Go into Game.h Add
// This will declare your functions void PlayerOrder_GetCrits (int iClientH);
wsprintf(notice,"You have traded 100 criticals for 10 majestics!"); SendNotifyMsg(NULL, iClientH, DEF_NOTIFY_NOTICEMSG, NULL, NULL, NULL, notice); return; } }
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#4Subject: Re: [CODE] ShorCut para el comando de Critical 6/19/2016, 7:46 pm
//LifeX Criticals
This most beautiful code you created your LifeX not know that this code was yours wowwwwwww
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#5Subject: Re: [CODE] ShorCut para el comando de Critical 6/20/2016, 2:24 pm
KenZoB wrote:
//LifeX Criticals
This most beautiful code you created your LifeX not know that this code was yours wowwwwwww
Of course its mine, and its beautiful. If follow you code, where its not even finish because everyone know you can't even code, what more pasting some other people's work.
The code is edited by me of course its mine, Im not using any of the original codes which you PASTE.
Good day Erick "Gay" KenzoB
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#6Subject: Re: [CODE] ShorCut para el comando de Critical 7/9/2016, 10:35 pm
gracias me sirvio :D
Silver 4
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#7Subject: Re: [CODE] ShorCut para el comando de Critical 7/9/2016, 10:35 pm
gracias me sirvio :D
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#8Subject: Re: [CODE] ShorCut para el comando de Critical